
Monday, July 23, 2018

How To Use Code.Org Atempt Two

This is how to use is a great site that has games and all sorts of fun activities that we use during our steam sesion with Mrs Davan.

I enjoy using but some of the levels in the classic maze can sometimes be a bit challenging because you have a limited amount of blocks that I can use.

Next time I think I will need to read the number of blocks that I can use  so that it is easyer for me to get to the hardest and highest level,level twenty.

if you ever have time to I reckon you deffinitly should go on to this great site.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Elly I really like your post about How To Use Code.Org I really its soo cool and I like your colour to and to be honest I enjoy

    from your friend Mereana


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